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All About Arthritis
Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is also known as “hay fever.” The symptoms can be seasonal, especially in the spring and fall, or year round. In this video, you’ll learn what happens when you have allergic rhinitis and what you can do to minimize symptoms.
Anemia means a low level of hemoglobin in the blood. It can be brought on by chronic disease, including inflammatory, infectious, or malignant conditions. This video gives information on the chronic diseases linked to anemia and recommended treatment.
Asthma is a condition that causes your airways to become inflamed. This makes it hard to breathe. Find out what causes asthma and how you can manage this chronic, or long-lasting disease.
Atopic Dermatitis
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is when the prostate grows too large and causes problems. Learn what signs to watch for, and when to see your doctor.
Blood Sugar Testing
Monitoring your blood sugar level can help you control your diabetes and your risk for developing complications such as eye or kidney disease. View this video, and learn how and why checking your blood sugar regularly plays an important role in diabetes management.
Blood Thinners: Using Warfarin
Warfarin is a medicine that helps keep your blood from clotting. This can lower your risk for a blood clot, stroke, or heart attack. But you must take important steps when you are on warfarin. This video will show you what to do.
Breast Cancer Screening
The goal of breast cancer screening is to detect cancer at the earliest possible stage, when it is most treatable. This video takes a look at the three components of breast screening–a breast self-exam, a clinical exam by your doctor, and a mammogram.
A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens within the eye that often occurs as a person ages. Although many cataracts develop without a known cause, long-term steroid use and diabetes are risk factors. Watch this video to find out what you can expect if you develop a cataract.
Colon Cancer Screening
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common type of heart disease. CAD develops when plaque builds up in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. See if you’re at risk for CAD, and how you can help prevent it.
Diabetes-Related Eye Disease
People with diabetes may develop eye problems such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. In this video, you’ll find out more about these problems and what you can do to prevent them. The best approach is good control of your blood sugar levels. You should also have a yearly eye exam.
Eating Well with Diabetes
If you have diabetes, you’ll need to make changes in what you eat. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up all your favorite foods. See how easy it is to eat well and take care of your health at the same time.
Eating Well with Heart Disease
Small changes in what you eat can make a big difference in your heart health. Watch and learn how easy it is to improve your health by eating right.
Eating Well with High Blood Pressure
Certain foods can make your blood pressure go too high. Watch and learn how easy it is to have delicious meals without harming your health.
Exercises for a Healthy Back
Most people will have back pain at some time in their lives. But you don’t always need the help of a doctor to fix it. Sometimes exercise is all that you need to relieve the pain. Watch and learn exercises to keep your back feeling good.
Foot Care for People with Diabetes
Frozen Shoulder
Frozen shoulder is a painful condition that usually results in decreased range of motion of the shoulder joint. It may develop gradually or suddenly and severely. This video offers information on how frozen shoulder occurs, who’s at risk, and what treatments are available.
GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is more commonly known as acid indigestion or heartburn. It is a burning feeling behind the breastbone. This video takes a look at the possible causes of GERD, typical symptoms, and when treatment is warranted.
Getting Your Cholesterol Tested
Your body needs cholesterol to make hormones and to keep your cells healthy. Cholesterol comes from two sources: your liver and your diet. But if your diet exceeds the body’s need for cholesterol or saturated fats, your cholesterol level in your blood will increase. This video discusses treatments and lifestyle changes that may be prescribed by your doctor.
Heart Attack: Signs and Symptoms
Heart Failure
Heart failure is when your heart can’t pump enough blood to meet your body’s needs. Learn about the different types of heart failure, and the treatments that can help you manage it.
Hepatitis C
The hepatitis C virus is another type of hepatitis virus that causes an inflammation of the liver. HCV is transmitted though exposure to infected blood or blood products. In this video, you’ll find out more about how it’s transmitted, what treatments are available, and what you can do to protect yourself from this disease.
How COPD Affects Your Lungs
When you have COPD, air doesn’t flow into and out of your lungs as it should. It becomes harder to breathe. Watch this video to see how your lungs are affected.
How to Check Your Blood Glucose Level
How To Give Yourself an Insulin Shot - Mixed Dose
You may need to mix 2 types of insulin in the same shot. One type is usually shorter-acting insulin. The other is intermediate-acting insulin. This video will show you what to do.
How To Give Yourself an Insulin Shot - Single Dose
Here are the general steps to follow when giving yourself an insulin shot. The first step: Gather your supplies.
How to Manage Your Weight
Good health and a healthy weight go hand in hand. To get both, you need the right balance of healthy foods and exercise. Here is easy-to-understand information that will help you reach your goals.
How to Start a Physical Activity Routine
How to Take Your Blood Pressure
To take your blood pressure at home you’ll need a blood pressure cuff, monitor, and log book. This video will walk you through the steps.
How Your Heart Works
Influenza Vaccination
Insulin and Diabetes
Keeping Your Back Healthy
Kidney Infection (Pyelonephritis)
Kidney Stones
Learning Healthy Eating Guidelines
Making The Decision To Quit Smoking
Managing Your Type 2 Diabetes
Meal Planning for People with Diabetes
Melanoma Screening
Migraine Headache
Prostate Biopsy
Quitting Smoking: Overcoming Relapse
Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Disease
Understanding Type 2 Diabetes
Vital Signs: Know Your Numbers
Todo Sobre La Artritis
Rinitis Alérgica
El asma es una afección que hace que sus vías respiratorias se inflamen. Esto hace que le resulte difícil respirar. Descubra qué cosas causan el asma y cómo puede manejar esta enfermedad crónica, o que dura mucho tiempo.
Dermatitis Atópica
La dermatitis atópica es una erupción roja seca que genera picazón. También se conoce como eczema. A menudo es hereditaria y puede ocurrir junto con la fiebre del heno, asma o alergias nasales. Este video analiza sus causas y cómo tratarla.
Hiperplasia Benigna De La Próstata
Análisis De Azúcar En La Sangre
Anticoagulantes: Cómo Usar Warfarina
Prueba De Deteccion Del Cancer De Seno
Bursitis is an inflammation of a closed sac of fluid located near the joints called a bursa. When the bursa becomes inflamed, it causes joint pain and swelling. Learn about the causes and treatment of bursitis, as well as what you can do to help prevent its recurrence.
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Pruebas Para La Detección De Cáncer De Colon
Enfermedad De Las Arterias Coronarias (EAC)
Enfermedades Oculares Asociadas Con la Diabetes
Comer Bien Con Diabetes
Comer Bien Con Una Enfermedad Cardíaca
Comer Bien Con Presión Arterial Elevada
Ejercicios Para tener Una Espalda Mas Saludable
Cuidado De los Pies Para Las Personas Con Diabetes
Hombro Congelado
Reflujo Gastroesofágico
Hacer Que te Analicen El Colesterol
Your body needs cholesterol to make hormones and to keep your cells healthy. Cholesterol comes from two sources: your liver and your diet. But if your diet exceeds the body’s need for cholesterol or saturated fats, your cholesterol level in your blood will increase. This video discusses treatments and lifestyle changes that may be prescribed by your doctor.
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Ataque Cardiaco: Signos Y Sintomas
Insuficiencia Cardiaca
Hepatitis C
La hepatitis C es una enfermedad provocada por un virus que infecta e inflama el hígado. Puede hacer que su hígado deje de funcionar normalmente y puede ocasionar problemas graves. Sepa cómo prevenir la hepatitis C y qué hacer si la tiene.
Cómo EPOC Afecta A Sus Pulmones
Cómo Medir Sus Niveles De Glucosa En Sangre
Cómo Inyectarse La Insulina (De Varios Tipos)
Tal vez se necesitará mezclar 2 tipos de insulina en la misma inyección. Generalmente uno de los tipos de insulina es de acción corta. El otro es insulina de acción intermedia. Este video le enseñará lo que debe hacer.
Cómo Inyectarse La Insulina (De Un Solo Tipo)
Aquí están los pasos generales que tomará al aplicarse una inyección de insulina. El primer paso: Reúna los suministros necesarios.
Maneje Su Peso
La buena salud y un peso saludable van de la mano. Para tener ambos, necesita seguir una dieta sana y hacer actividad física. Aquí tiene información fácil de entender que le ayudará a lograr esas metas.
Guia Para La Actividad Fisica
La actividad física es fundamental para mantenerse saludable. Puede ayudarle a manejar su peso y a prevenir ciertas enfermedades. Vea lo que el ejercicio puede hacer por usted y sepa cómo empezar a moverse.
Cómo Medir Su Presión Arterial
Cómo Trabaja Su Corazón
Vacuna Contra La Gripe
Insomnio Primario
La Insulina Y La Diabetes
Mantenga Su Espalda Saludable
Infección Renal
La pielonefritis es una infección del riñón. Generalmente comienza como una infección del tracto urinario que se extiende desde el tracto urinario hasta la vejiga y el riñón. Este video analiza de cerca esta grave enfermedad, que puede provocar cicatrices en los riñones.
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